Unfaithful wife in the bedroom with her lover

Unfaithful wife in the bedroom with her lover

The pair entered on his wife and another person was found Mahaa shut the door on them and brought witnesses to the incident

Adjust the Egyptian boyfriend of his wife naked in the bedroom closet, so he detained them at home and summoned neighbors to prove the crime of "adultery." According to the site, "Al-Ahram gate" incident happened area Saft milk, Giza Governorate, while the pair "s. H", 37, the driver went,
To work in the morning, leaving his wife at home, called her suffering fatigue because of her work in one of the schools, and an hour later he returned to his home, to bring the car's license on which it runs, and try not to worry his wife, he decided to open the apartment door with the key, which in his possession, but he was surprised develop another key from the inside and knocked on the door several times and when the wife opened the door to confusion noted by markers, and search inside the apartment
Revealed investigation detectives that the pair had to call the neighbors in order to be witnesses to the crime of adultery, was detained the wife and her lover in the bedroom even attended by head of the Investigation Department of Bulaq Dakrur and his collaborators, the investigation indicated that the wife "n. P.", 30 years old, works supervisor one of the special tread, and I got to know the accused "s. t.", 30, a supervisor who also works in the same school, giving rise to a romantic relationship between them, where they had a number of contacts and frequency of the marital home several times

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